
Diversified Data Storage

Backup to Microsoft's Onedrive Cloud Space directly or use it for Disaster Recovery.

You can decide where your data will reside: On Premises or On Cloud.

(Windows Machine / NAS Device / FTPS / Onedrive Cloud / Sharepoint Cloud / Ext. HDD)

WFH Users can backup data from their respective homes.

Laptop users can alternate between WFH (WAN) and Office (LAN). DSafe will automatically and intelligently switch between LAN and WAN.

Sales Teams can backup data daily even though they may visit the office occasionally or intermittently due to constant travel or offsite work environments.

Utilize your existing Assets

When it comes to data backup of multiple computers across various locations DSafe easily adapts to your company's infrastructure layout, providing you centralised management and allowing you to smartly Diversify Data Storage.

  • Branch Machines can backup within their respective LAN at the same time Monitoring and Controls can be centralised from HO.

  • Specific Folders/files can be backed up so that even with WFH personal machines, privacy of the employee can be maintained.
Utilize your existing Assets